Glasswasher & Dishwasher Chemicals

There's a saying "you are what you eat" and this can be translated to your commercial glass or dishwasher. The detergent and rinse aid chemicals your glasswashers & commercial dishwashers automatically  takes in can greatly effect the performance of the machine and the out come of your glasses and plates.glasswasher dishwasher detergent and rinse aid chemicals

Its not only the appearance of your ware that's effected. Poor quality chemicals can also affect the head of beers and life of the machine.

Our commercial dishwasher and glasswasher chemicals have been especially formulated and tested for automatic dose machines

Our dishwash detergent also has an added tanning remover added as stanard, this helps tackle stubborn teas, coffee & lipstick stains

Are 20 litre chemical packs can be mixed between detergent, glasswash & rinse aid


Click here to buy online


Case of 4 x 5 litres only £35 +vat including next day delivery

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